A Litany of Lament

Imagine a baby born in the Kiev metro and its exhausted mother sheltering from shells.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine a lonely grandmother and grandson in Luhansk, unable to sleep because of explosions and sirens.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine a Russian and a Ukrainian soldier looking at each other through the sights of a machine gun.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine the drivers standing in line for three nights at the Ukrainian-Polish border.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine friends on Facebook ready to destroy each other with their comments.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine the explosions near your home and the wounded in the east and west, in the south and north of Ukraine.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine in Europe and Russia.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine the coffins with 18-year-old boys just starting out in life, and their grief-stricken mothers.

Christ weeps beside them.

Imagine yourself embracing all these people.

Christ embraces them with you...

(by Bishop Eduard Khegay, UMC Eurasia)
[Translated with]


A Video Update from Ukraine


“Peace must prevail” - A Call for Peace and an invite to prayer