Young European Methodists Care About Climate Justice

In recent weeks a team of young activists from around Europe (Austria, Denmark, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland) led by Irene Abra (Italy) - European Methodist Youth Climate Ambassador, have been meeting together to engage more actively with the activities around COP27. They are coordinating work with Climate YES (Climate Youth Ecumenical Summit), around issues of climate justice during COP27.

They are also creating and sharing different resources to highlight the voices of young activist Methodists from around Europe.

After COP27 they will write a statement together that will be sent to leaders and institutions focused on the role of Western countries in this fight and how Methodist, Wesleyan and Uniting Churches in Europe can be part of this wider change in our communities.

Watch the video below, or follow the European Methodist Council on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to hear more from Irene and to learn how young people (aged 18-30) around Europe can still get involved.


Irene looks back on the first week of COP27


World Refugee Day 2022